PDF BookFungicide Resistance in Plant Pathogens Principles and a Guide to Practical Management

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Get Fungicide Resistance in Plant Pathogens Principles and a Guide to Practical Management

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Published on: 2015-09-01
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Original language: English
Get Fungicide Resistance in Plant Pathogens Principles and a Guide to Practical Management

This volume offers a comprehensive coverage of the general principles and recent advances in fungicide resistance. It describes the development, mechanisms, monitoring, and management of resistance and covers the most important group of fungicides that have caused resistance on various crops. An historical review of fungicide resistance over the past 40 years sets the scene for up-to-date basic information on mode of action, as well as the genetics, mechanisms, and evolution of resistance. Monitoring for resistance, including the latest developments in molecular diagnostics, moves readers into the practical aspects of resistance management, which is dealt with through a series of case studies outlining fungicide-use strategies on several key crops. The chapters reflect the experience of authors internationally recognised for their significant contributions to fungicide resistance research. The majority of crop diseases are caused by fungal pathogens, and disease control relies heavily on chemically synthesized fungicides. However, modern fungicides often encounter the problem of resistance development in target pathogens. Thus pathogen resistance to fungicides is an important factor that causes loss of yield and quality of crops. It often threatens biosecurity through the decrease of fungicide efficacy in the fields. To manage fungicide resistance successfully will require the promotion of integrated disease management, involving not just chemical fungicides, but also host plant resistance, agronomic factors, and reliable biological control agents where these are available. Well referenced throughout, the book offers a comprehensive account of resistance, which will be useful as a source of material for lecturers and for both industrial and academic scientists involved in fungicide resistance research. It is also a valuable sourcebook for students. Pesticide - Wikipedia Pesticides may cause acute and delayed health effects in people who are exposed. Pesticide exposure can cause a variety of adverse health effects ranging from simple ... UC Cooperative Extension Agricultural Experiment Station ... Steven Koike joined the Monterey County office of UC Cooperative Extension in 1989. As Plant Pathology Farm Advisor he is involved in educational programs and ... Publication Search Results - NZ Grassland Association A comparison of liveweight gain of two groups of weaners of different entry liveweight in an ad libitum fodder beet feeding system for finishing beef cattle What are Fungicides? - American Phytopathological Society Role of Fungicides in Disease Management. Plant diseases are best managed by integrating a number of control practices that may include: crop rotation selection of ... Principles of-food-sanitation - SlideShare Principles of-food-sanitation 1. Principles of Food Sanitation Fifth Edition 2. Principles of Food Sanitation Fifth Edition Norman ... Bio-Fertilizers and Bio-Pesticides Research and ... Key words: bio-fertilizers bio-pesticides BIOTECH-UPLB bio-fertilizers technologies microbial pesticides plant pesticides biochemical pesticides Botany - Wikipedia Botany also called plant science(s) plant biology or phytology is the science of plant life and a branch of biology. A botanist or plant scientist is a scientist ... Chapter V. Methods to Reduce/Eliminate Pathogens from ... methods to minimize the presence of pathogens and their growth in produce NGIA - Nursery Papers - Nursery & Garden Industry Australia To access Nursery Papers please enter a key word (e.g. water) into the search field below. Commercial Production and Management of Cabbage and Leafy ... The 11 topics covered in this publication are all integral parts of a successful cabbage/leafy greens management program. Each topic focuses on a particular aspect of ...
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